Friday, 16 February 2007

The begining

Why do people like to talk about themselves??.. I think this is human nature...recently I found that blogs became something like a hobby to many of my friends...So, I started to think.. why not???...

Some times you need to talk to somebody and say many useless things... this relieves you actually... but it is some times a burden on this somebody...after all... it is not his fault that you have problems...It is not his fault that you just want to talk...

Here I'm talking to somebody... somebody who may want me to continue... and may not... but in this case he will leave... and I will never know... people do not get hurt from something they don't know... do they?


Beroz said...

Hello Sara:),

I am very happy that you akheeran began to write your nice words on a blog. I consider that an added value in the world of blogging. Personally, I adore seeing things from a child eye :D.

waiting for your posts ya my love:)

... said...

Abeeeeeeeeeerrrr is shining in my poor blog.... who else can write such a cute comment :)...
thank you abeer :) :)...

Eric Matt said...

They say that what you never know won't hurt you... that's damn right

Keep up the good work

Waiting to see more posts... keep it alive.
